How to enable MariaDB/MySQL logs ?
As a web developer that have been toying with MySQL/MariaDB for more than 5 years. I can tell you that the best way to start debugging your application or looking for ways to improve database performance is to enable the logs. To enable the MySQL/MariaDB logs :
Edit MySQL configuration file:
vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Note : Depending on your installation, the my.cnf file could be located on different directory. MariaDB's my.cnf is located at /etc/my.cnf
Slow Query Log
To enable Slow Query Log, add these lines or uncomment these two lines. Change the destination location for the log files if you prefer.
logslowqueries = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
longquerytime = 2
To enable Error Log, add these lines or uncomment these two lines. Change the destination location for the log files if you prefer.
To enable General Query Log, add these lines or uncomment these two lines. Change the destination location for the log files if you prefer.
generallogfile = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log general_log = 1
To enable these changes, restart mysql
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
sudo service mysql restart
References :
By Adam Ng
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