Golang : Shuffle strings array
Okay, the previous tutorial on how to shuffle elements inside an array does not work with strings array. To shuffle array with strings, use this code example instead.
package main
import (
func shuffle(src []string) []string {
final := make([]string, len(src))
perm := rand.Perm(len(src))
for i, v := range perm {
final[v] = src[i]
return final
func main() {
str := []string{
shuffled := shuffle(str)
fmt.Printf("Original order : %v\n", str)
fmt.Printf("Shuffled order : %v\n", shuffled)
Sample output :
Original order : [first second third]
Shuffled order : [second third first]
See also : Golang : How to shuffle elements in array or slice?
By Adam Ng
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