Golang : How to print rune, unicode, utf-8 and non-ASCII CJK(Chinese/Japanese/Korean) characters?
Problem :
You want to print rune, unicode or CJK(Chinese/Japanese/Korean) characters with Golang, but you are getting funny result. How to print rune properly?
Solution :
Use quoted verb in your Printf statement. From https://blog.golang.org/strings :
"The %q (quoted) verb will escape any non-printable byte sequences in a string so the output is unambiguous."
For example :
package main
import (
func main() {
sr := '\u212A'
fmt.Println(sr) // wrong way to print!
fmt.Printf("%+q\n", sr) // print back the unicode
fmt.Printf("%q\n", sr) // print K (Kelvin symbol)
src := '你'
fmt.Printf("%q\n", src) // print character 你
fmt.Printf("%+q\n", src) // print unicode codepoint
Output :
Reference :
By Adam Ng
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